EVE Wiki
Icon22 08 Powergrid 700,000 MW
Icon12 07CPU 725 tf
Icon08 11 High Slots 5
Icon08 10 Medium Slots 5
Icon08 09 Low Slots 6
Icon12 12Launcher Hardpoints 0
Icon05 13Turrets Hardpoints 0
Icon68 01Upgrade Hardpoints 3
Icon68 01 Calibration 400
Hull Thanatos Class
Role Carrier
Sensing the need for a more moderately-priced version of the Nyx, Federation Navy authorities commissioned the design of the Thanatos. Designed to act primarily as a fighter carrier for small- to mid-scale engagements, its significant defensive capabilities and specially-fitted fighter bays make it ideal for its intended purpose.
Special Abilities
Gallente Carrier Skill Bonus:
  • 50% bonus to Capital Shield and Armor transfer range per level
  • 5% bonus to deployed Fighters’ damage per level
  • Can deploy 1 additional Fighter per level
Role Bonus:
  • 99% reduction in CPU need for Warfare Link modules
  • 99% reduction in CPU need for Tactical Logistics Reconfiguration modules
  • 200% bonus to Fighter control range
Icon22 07Capacity 100,000 HP
Icon22 20EM 0 %
Icon22 19Explosive 60 %
Icon22 17Kinetic 40 %
Icon22 18Thermal 20 %
Icon01 09Capacity 125,000 HP
Icon22 20EM 60 %
Icon22 19Explosive 10 %
Icon22 17Kinetic 35 %
Icon22 18Thermal 35 %
Icon02 10Capacity 150,000 HP
Icon22 20EM 0 %
Icon22 19Explosive 0 %
Icon22 17Kinetic 0 %
Icon22 18Thermal 0 %
Icon03 13Cargo Bay 3,500 m3
Icon03 13Corporate Hanger 10,000 m3
Icon02 10Mass 1,057,500,000.00 kg
Icon03 13Ship Maintenance Bay 1,000,000 m3
Icon02 12Volume 13,095,000.00 m3
Icon01 04Capacity 60,000 GJ
Icon22 16Recharge 4,161,850 ms
Icon02 10Capacity 100,000 m3
Icon56 05Bandwidth 375 Mbit/sec
Icon22 13Velocity 75 m/sec
Icon03 08Warp Speed 2.5 AU/S
Icon22 08Jump Capacitor Use 0.95 %
Icon22 16Jump Fuel Need 1,000
Icon07 15Jump Fuel Type Icon51 15 Oxygen Isotopes
Icon22 15Max Jump Range 6.5 ly
Icon22 26Magnetometric 76 points
Icon07 15Targets 6
Icon22 15Range 100 km
Icon03 09Scan Resolution 50 mm
Icon22 14Signature Radius 2,960 m
Skills Required
Primary Skill Gallente Carrier I
Primary Skill Capital Ships III
Primary Skill Jump Drive Operation I
Primary Skill Advanced Spaceship Command V
Secondary Skill Gallente Battleship V
Secondary Skill Warp Drive Operation V
Secondary Skill Drone Interfacing V
Tech I Thanatos512Thanatos
Tech II Nyx512Nyx
Other Images
Thanatos Carrier
Thanatos Carrier
Thanatos Carrier
Thanatos Carrier